Amber Leage

Amber is an educational consultant providing strategic planning, program development, and reporting services to schools throughout the United States and abroad. She has been an educator for over 20 years. Her evaluation work includes evidence-based quality reviews, equity reviews and accreditation for k-12 schools and universities.

Recent Posts

Tuning in and Reaching Out - Engaging in authentic social emotional learning

Posted by Amber Leage on Apr 29, 2024 2:38:04 PM

This 40 minute session from Class Measures is designed to develop your understanding of social emotional learning (SEL) techniques. In watching the below interactive Professional Development session, you will learn how to:

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Topics: Video

The Importance of Coaching for Leadership Development

Posted by Amber Leage on Sep 22, 2023 2:10:50 PM

School leaders are relied on as chief problem solvers.  Their willingness and capacity to take on this challenging role is essential to school success.  Traditional leadership training, however, often falls short in providing the requisite skills to support leaders in maximizing their potential impact on school growth, and particularly on the development of teaching capacity:

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Topics: Blog, School Improvement, Class Measures Highlight, North America, Coaching